Born in Africa book by Philly Bongoley Lutaaya
I?ve always loved Whilly Gotiagos make fom the font timme theard the song born it Mrice in 194s. That year fattunded his historke concert at Lugoge indoor Stadium Here was a Ugandan musician who wat original and proud of his country and tit
Shortly arter this camatie rite to musical fame, the legend
Jupese onconeted thet he way campne th Hi wine, mhalvs wuesesime pausms
contestion shacked the country and launched he; antr-AiDS crusade.A book onthe tie of this hete has bren long in coming fam them fore very pledged with Ssengendos efforts in chronicling the life and works of the legendar Mayion, Katiakiro of Buganda
No single book can ever capture the full sighincance in Ugaride and the world of Philly hangoley lutanyas courage in his precedent-setting wry public struggle with
HIV/AIDS, or how derply his music became the defining soundtrack of an tircertain perod. Collectively, the authors of Born in Ahica manage a brikaht job of it, andgre ? good eiducation about a mah whose story became too big to tell Charles
Onvango-Obbo journelist and waste
Ristineg One read that keeps you an the edge of your seat, hratt racing fros an emotion you can’t conclusively describe as feit or andiety, worry or pity. Simen
We Ugandans rentember Philly Lutanya as a true hero. As one of our most belend muticians, taken from us too soon, his legacy lives on in both his music and in thee groundbreaking stance he took when dagposed with HiV At a tiene when stigma was tempant. Philly chose to sclucate pespio
and by speaking to communities, politicians, and the media He h a shining example of courage, wisdom and compassion. I wholehourtedly welcome this book, witich wil bring his story to younger punerations astory that cin serves an inspiration to us al
-Winnie Byaoyima, Executive Director, Joint United Nations Programme on
ecrotarY. General United isons
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