Think Straight: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life book by Darius Foroux (Author)
I know something about you without knowing you. I bet you spend A LOT of time in your head. You know, thinking, worrying, stressing, freaking out — call it whatever you want. I call it a preoccupied mind. And with what?99% of your thoughts are useless.
William James, once the leading psychologist in America, and one of the founders of the philosophical school of pragmatism, put it best: “A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.”
Pragmatism believes that the mind is a tool. Your mind should work for you, not against you. People who don’t master their minds, don’t believe it’s possible.
They say: “I can’t help but thinking these things.”
Well, you can TAKE CONTROL of your mind with enough practice. I’ve done it. And in THINK STRAIGHT, I share exactly how. It’s a quick read and you can use it to immediately to improve your thinking.
You have the ability to decide what you think. Or, you can choose NOT to think.
And that is one of the most important and most practical things you can learn in life. Before I learned that skill, I would spend hours and hours inside my head. Just think about how much you think.