Through The Wilderness Of Life – The Duke of Emali by Richard Kioko Kiundi

The dishonesty in society reared its ugly head in my businesses where I lost vast sums of money due to my misplaced belief in the inherent honesty of people. The hardest lesson I learnt was never to take good health for granted.

KShs 2,299.00


Throughout nursery and primary school, I topped my class almost effortlessly. Joining Alliance High School opened me to real competition that encompassed every facet of life from academic to sports and social interactions. Interaction with the female gender as well as members of other Kenyan and non-Kenyan communities, both fellow students as well as teachers widened my world view considerably. Competition for female company during social events such as debates and dances taught me persuasive decorum.

The ability to hold my own with some of the best brains gave me the confidence to travel into uncharted territory and follow the bend in the road with confidence. During my first year at the University of Nairobi, I learnt to manage my time without supervision especially and most painfully when I barely scraped through the end year exams. When I arrived in the world of employment, I learnt that the good guy does not always finish first. People I trusted as truth seekers would bear false witness against me and send my world into an unanticipated spin. The dishonesty in society reared its ugly head in my businesses where I lost vast sums of money due to my misplaced belief in the inherent honesty of people. The hardest lesson I learnt was never to take good health for granted.

The transition from a consummate energetic businessman recovering from financial loss with the mantra, I get knocked down, but I will get up again. You are never gonna keep me down- from a song by the group Chumbawamba, and I never needed nobody, to come and hold me hand, I never needed nobody, to take me through the land, never needed nobody, to tell me make a stand, I’m experienced man, I can understand, I know how to get along – from the song Wajahka Man by Jimmy Cliff, to almost a vegetable in less than one month after a major surgical operation was truly devastating.

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