We fear what we don’t know. No matter what country or culture we come from or what colour our skin is, we all have this primal fear of the unknown. This diffuse fear that we share with each other is also the thing that keeps us furthest apart..
Hardly any other topic is as charged with controversy, polarisation, doubt and inhibitions as integration. With her book „ME, YOU, WE & DIVERSITY: 47 magical ways locals and non-locals meet each other”, Susan Omondi sets out to overcome the rifts that divide us. Profound, touching and always humorous, the Kenyan-born author tells stories from her everyday life, shedding light on the perspectives of both immigrants and locals.
This is the right book for you if you have to deal with the topics of diversity and integrity in your professional and social environment and want to act with more confidence or simply want to be more open to your fellow human beings. Without political polarisation, it offers you everyday suggestions and food for thought to approach the topic of diversity in a human and practical way.
This book is right for you if you have to deal with integration and everyday racism on a daily basis because of your origin, your name or the colour of your skin. It effectively and positively supports you in moving out of the role of victim and into self-responsibility and strength.
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