Unplugged 2, forging prosperous solid men book by Jacob Aliet
Marriage rates are dropping, and divorce rates are shooting up. The new world order is making men weaker and feminine and making women stronger and masculine, effectively making each gender terrible for the other.
What is the masculine frame? What are the kinds of beliefs, habits and mindsets that emasculate men? What is it that is stopping men from leading purposeful, prosperous lives characterized by healthy, fulfilling relationships and families?
What are some cold, hard truths men must embrace to forge the psychological infrastructure that can make them obtain financial success, navigate relationships and become fulfilled people in the new social order?
Why do men value respect from their women so much, and how do men get that respect and maintain it? Many ‘woke’ women today say that marriage is slavery. Is it? And is it slavery to men or to women?
Why is it that in 2021, when a mine collapsed on Tom Okwach, the government called off the rescue operation on the fourth day, saying they had run out of fuel, leaving him to die? Yet, the same government marshalled all resources, including foreign governments, for thirteen days to retrieve the body of a woman who had slipped from a ferry in Likoni and fell in the Indian Ocean? Why the uneven treatment?
What does it say about the value of a man’s life today?
Can a man harness his sexual energy to pursue higher goals and experience higher levels of consciousness?
We look at all these questions plus more as we plumb the depths of manhood, provide men with tools for managing modern relationships, and ground themselves solidly in an increasingly gynocentric world that regards masculinity as toxic and encourages men to be compliant to the feminine imperatives and suppress their masculine instincts.
UNPLUGGED II is about unplugging men from beliefs that emasculate them and setting them firmly on the path of advancing relentlessly to become full-stack, purposeful, prosperous men of steel.
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